
Well what a month it has been!

..Hi all, It's been a long time since I had time to post on here and even longer since I have had time to make any cards :(

At the start of last month my mum suffered a stroke. Initially we didn't think it was going to be to bad but then a few hrs after she was admitted to hospital she suffered a big heart attack then she developed a pneumonia. It was touch and go there for a while and the doctors gave us the talk about not resuscitating etc . After 2 days she had made a massive improvement with regard to the heart attack/pneumonia and I think she surprised the doctors :) :). The stroke itself has affected her left side and although she is regaining small movements there hasn't been that much progress so far as she has had a couple of infections since being in there and also developed a blood clot on her lung so up until the last few days she hasn't been receiving much physio. At the moment as well as going in for normal visiting myself and my step dad are trying to go in for atleast one meal time a day each as lets just say the care isn't all that good and it is very worrying. I could go on all day about that so I best not start! 

Anyhow I have had precious little time to do anything other than the usual work/chores/and visit mum. I mostly have to go on the bus and that is 2 buses both around 30 mins travel so I have been taking a bit of crochet with me. I decided to make something small as it would be easier to do on the bus so I made a start on this little guy. 

I just completed him this evening and I am going to take him in to mum to keep her company.

I just need a name ..any suggestions??

The pattern is free from the lovely Emma HERE

I wish I could do a spot of cardmaking on the bus but can you imagine the looks I'd get carrying a huge guillotine on there lol

Thanks for listening to my waffle 
Kerry x


Erin said...

Ohhh Kerry i'm sorry to hear about your Mum and send her huge hugs to get better soon ... Now as for the gireffe he's flippen epic love him ... Name Gerry or Melman ( madagascar ) hehehe xxx

Barbara said...

Glad your mam is now showing some signs of improvement, you'll just have to take one day at a time. Your little giraffe is fabulous, love him xx

Annette said...

Hi Kerry
Hope your mum makes a good recover, big hugs to you both. If you need a chat you know where I am. Love the giraffe. Take care sandra xx

Anonymous said...

I was beginning to worry about you and assumed something must be wrong :-( Hoping your Mum gets well soon - she'll love your giraffe!
Take care and make sure somebody is looking after you x

Sheila said...

Was wondering where you were Pickle. So sorry to hear of your Mum and wishing her well. It's awful when the family can obviously see the care is lacking so pls don't be afraid to complain about it either to the ward sister or PALS. My daughter is training to be a nurse and she is disgusted at times with colleagues attitudes. We have advised her to treat patients as she would like to be treated herself. Beautiful giraffe and sure Mum will love him. Take care of yourself too Pickle as your Mum needs you to be strong and well too. Sheila x

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum hope she is soon better. What an adorable giraffe Ginny x

Michelle Short said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mum Kerry. Wishing her all the best in her recovery. The giraffe is gorgeous and I think Gerry the giraffe is a great name! :o) Best wishes to you all, take care xx

Doreen said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum Kerry,I do hope she makes a full recovery....Love your

Squirrel x said...

Oh hun, I am so sorry to hear this news, but praying that mum gets stronger with each day. My thoughts are with you and your family. What a super cute little giraffe, he is kinda handsome so I think George (Clooney of course) would work well for him. Hugs, Squirrel xx

Hazel said...

Sorry to hear that your mum has been so ill, here's hoping she is in the road to recovery.

This little chap is so cute.


Bev Henwood said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom ~ hoping she makes a speedy recovery (Hugs). Lovin' that giraffe ~ I think he should be called 'Pickle'. Love Bev xx

Christine L said...

Hi Hon..

So sorry to hear that your Mum has been going through so much... really hope she improves soon...

And LOVE your little giraffe... well done on not wasting the journey time and producing something like this - which I KNOW will be well received by your Mum!

Big hugs
Christine x

Gail said...

hope your mum feels better soon, missed seeing your cards. giraffe is fab. x

Hazel said...

Hi Kerry

I hope your mum gets herself better really soon.

The giraffe is just adorable - what about the name "Hagan" which means strong and defence - thought it just sounds like your mum!

Take care

Hazel x

Pink Dandelion said...

So sorry to hear your mum has been in the wars and really hope she improves very soon. I've made that giraffe and called mine Bluey but that's cos he's blue lol. Big hugs Debs xx

Di said...

Hi Kerry , Sorry to hear about your mum. Been there with these hospitals and bus trips as I don't drive. I know what you mean about hospital care some good (Speedy) and some bad. Mum definitely lost out on that score. I think your little toy should be called "Chinup". Or maybe "Lofty"/ xx


Hi Kerry, so sorry to hear about your mum. She sounds like she's a fighter though and that will most definitely help her recovery. Plus she'll benefit from all the love and support you're giving her. Try and keep positive and take each day as it comes. My step-dad had 2 major strokes his last one was just before his 70th birthday, which affected his right side. He lost some use in his arm and a little in his leg but he copes really well...he's now 81. Recovery takes time but it is possible. Take care. Hugs Janine x

Digi Stamp Boutique said...

Really wishing things improve for your mum in more ways than one! Make sure you take care of yourself too. I bet it all feels like a bad dream, which I so hope turns into a happy one.

Love that giraffe....'Pickle' sounds perfect to me xx

Anonymous said...

Kerry sorry to hear your news about your mum, hope she improves. Don't forget to look after yourself as well. Love the giraffe so cute, lots of love Alison xx

mckinkle said...

Kerry, sending you and yours great big cyber hugs to get you through this trying time. It wont be long until you'll be saying 'do you remember when....' and it will all be behind you.

Id name that fab colourful giraffe as your last word 'waffle'!

Keryn x

Sarah said...

I love your Giraffe Kerry, he/she is gorgeous. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Wishing her a speedy recovery and thinking of you all x. P.S so wish I could crochet!

Pam said...

Good to see you blogging Kerry. Hope your mum will soon make a good recovery.

I love the giraffe, the only name I can come up with is Pickle's pet.

Dawn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, I do hope she continues to improve but things do take time. I know what you mean about the care in hospital not being much good, I have recently found that out first hand too. Make sure you look after yourself too and try not to over do it (easier said then done I know).
Best Wishes to you.
Dawn x (Docrafts Buddy)

Viv said...

So sorry about your lovely mum Kerry, I do hope she improves soon.It must be such a worry for you all :( Love the Giraffe....what about Gerry for a name, what a great gift for your mum too sure it will cheer her up no end :) hugs Viv xx

mandy said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum Kerry hope all is well and that she feels much better soon. I love the Giraffe and am sure your Mum will too. I think you should call it Rainbow as rainbows are special and don't come around often and at the end of them is a pot of gold and a leprechaun as they say who grants wishes :)

Wishing your Mum a speedy recovery
Hugs Mandy xxx

rosie said...

he's so cute Kerry. I'd call him Jeffrey.
hugs to you and your Mum x

I love button's by Emma said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum, totally understand how you must be feeling. Hope she has a speedy recovery. Glad the little guy worked well for you, I took mine to the hospital and did a bit when waiting for my mid wife visit's. I find it quite relaxing, and love seeing the end result. Thanks for linking back xx

Kelly D said...

Kerry I was sorry to read about your mum, but I am pleased to read that she is doing much better. Must have been a terrible time for you all. On the other hand your project is beautiful, he/she is so cute.
Thanks for sharing
Kelly xx

ursula said...

So sorry to hear about your Mum, prayers with her.. Ollie is lovely, bet she was pleased with him....xxxx

Sally said...

Sorry to hear about you Mum Kerry.
Your giraffe is amazing.
Sally. x

Md Enamul Hoq said...

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This was an amazing blog that loved every bit of reading it. Tack care Kerry. Always spread the joy. I love that giraffe you made.
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