
it's been a LONG time...

hasn't it?

I haven't been very well of late so javen't been creating and I am now struggling with my mojo. I just keep shuffling bit of paper around and nothing is being created at all. :(

Hopefully I will be back soon with something for you to look at!

Thanks for all the messages of concern and sorry if I haven't gotten back to you yet.

Kerry x


Anonymous said...

Kerry hope you start feeling better soon. As for your mojo going missing know what you mean mine goes on holiday quite often and takes things with it like scissors, inks, vouchers etc etc. Love Alison xxxx

rosie said...

hello Kerry. hope you feel better soon and I think your mojo might be with mine - I think I packed it away with the christmas decorations. hopefully they will both return soon.

hugs to you x

susiestacey said...

Hope you are soon up to crafting Kerry - always look forward to seeing your creations. Happy New Year x Susan x

kay said...

Hi kerry,am sure the mojo will be back soon,x

mrs ann said...

I've been looking for you and wondered where you where!! Glad your on the mend... perhaps your mojo will return with the sun!!x

SueK said...

Hi Kerry,
I'm glad to hear that you are gradually getting better - get the old strengh up first and I bet the old mojo will come out of it's hiding place and stop sulking.

Christine L said...

Awww sorry to hear that you've under the weather hon........ hope you feel better soon... cos we miss you!

Christine x

Dawn said...

So to hear you have been poorly Kerry and hope you will soon feel yourself again, your mojo is resting to give you time to fully recover before coming back, so make sure you get well first and I'm sure it will be back. I do miss your lovely cards though. xx

Grenouille Greetings said...

It HAS been a long time, Kerry. Sorry you have been poorly and hope you are on top form soon. I'm looking forward to your new creations. Happy New Year! Hugs, Lesley

Viv said...

Sorry you haven't been well Kerry, I think my mojo has gone missing too.I know you were looking for matching card and paper a while ago, did you find any ?? I see the Papermill shop and going to do matching paper to their card soon, just for your info. I love their Linen card so will be getting some of the matching paper if I can.Take care, hugs :)Viv xx

Md Enamul Hoq said...

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IBR Graphics Studio said...

Take care, Kerry. come back when you feel better we will be right here.
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