

Milk carton on the hougie board

After I posted this little set a lot of people asked me if I could do a little tut
on how I make the milk cartonson the hougie board

So here it is

What you will need
A4 piece of card 
hougie board
bull dog clip

 Place you piece of A4 card on your hougie board in a landscape position on the cm side
and score at
7cm 14cm 21cm 28cm
also make a small score approx 3cm long at 10&1/2cm and 24&1/2 cms

 Then turn your card 90 degrees clockwise into portrait position
and score at
6cm 14cm 19&1/2 cms

Fold all the full score lines
and trim away the areas shown above

 You are left with this
Add adhesive down the flap on the right hand side. 
I always use DST and add a few dabs of wet glue on top

Join the side as shown here

 you now have this

Fold in the bottom flaps and adhere as above
( again I use DST with a few dabs of wet glue)

This is where those two little scores come in so handy
Simply squeeze the top together on both sides
and clip the top together with your bulldog clip

At this point I run my fingernail/bone folder/embossing tool  down the creases to sharpen

And here's what you end up with
Decorate as you wish

I have also made a holder for 4 of these using my own measurements like here
I will post a tut on that at a later date
Kerry x