

Christmas Thanks

Hi all,
 So glad I have managed to pop a post on before Chrimbo. It has been an incredibly hard year for me both personally and craftwise. At one point there I was ready to pack all my papercraft stuff away and give it up! But with the encouragement of many lovely crafters I have stuck with it through the mojoless months and hopefully now I'm finally getting back in to it. I'm hoping that in 2015 I will spend many a happy hour cutting and sticking :)

Anyway enough waffle and on to my cards I have to show. 
Here are a few little notes I've made to say thank you for our christmas pressies 

The Digistamps are from THIS great set from Digi Stamp Boutique
where the sales have already started get a whopping 40% off EVERYTHING !
What a fab way to spend that Christmas money :)

Well all that leaves me to say is I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year

Thanks for stopping by
Kerry x